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Memorial Day

      I spent today taking care of my two years old grand-daughter, Evelyn.  Her two big sisters, Olivia, eight, and Brianna, eleven-tween, are away at summer camp this week.  My son, Paul was home today taking the day off.  I was there by 7:15 a.m., to find Evelyn up and sitting all alone on the sofa.  She was happy to see me as I walked in through the back door.  We let Paul sleep-in while we sat watching Coco Melon on Netflix.  Evelyn has her own special TV package called "Kids" so it's easy to find all her favorite cartoons.

     I came home a little while ago, about 7:30 p.m.  It's been a long day and I need to go over there again tomorrow at 7:15 a.m., to watch more cartoons with little Evelyn while her daddy goes off to work.

     Her sisters Brianna and Olivia will be back home next week and Evelyn will go back to preschool on the days their mother, Rebekah is scheduled to work.  And then, I will go over to their house to watch  Olivia and Brianna when their parents are at work.  

     This summer will be busy and I may not find much time for blogging.


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