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Prognosis: Osteoprosis


Recently, I went to a follow-up appointment about the results of a bone density scan.  I have osteoporosis and this year's 360 physical checkup has reviled more bone loss in my spine and upper thighs. 

     Seems, every time I have a physical checkup, there is always something else physically wrong with me.  I had better get my affairs in order before I take a permanent leave-of-absence.  Anyway, the bad news is I could suffer a fracture in my spine while simply by standing; and then, I would not be able to continue with my lifestyle, already limited due to age and other health problems.

     Terry, a nurse practitioner who is assigned to my physical exam, told me, bone loss is generally caused by age and lack of estrogen.  She advised me to take a medicine, Alendronate Sodium, 70 MG Tab once a week and then, go in for another bone density scan during my next year physical examination.  Terry went on to tell me about the side effects of taking Alendronate Sodium.  Stomach pain, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, gas, nausea, pain in bones, joints or muscles are the most common side effects.  She said, taking this medicine helps to prevent and treat certain types of bone loss (osteoporosis) and works by slowing bone loss and risk of fractures.  In other words, the benefits outweigh the side effects.

     I reminded Terry about my high cholesterol and high blood pressure, and how sodium affects me by elevating my blood pressure.  She assured me, the medicine would not raise my blood pressure because of its compound mixture.

     I certainly do not want a bone fracture or any more bone loss in my spine; therefore, I agreed to take the medicine and see how it affects me.  I will begin this once-a-week regimen Saturday morning.  I am to take one tablet first thing in the morning with a full glass of water and then, wait at least 30-minutes before taking any food, beverage, vitamins, or other medication.  Also, I must not go back to bed, but rather, stand, sit-up or walk for 30-minutes until after my first meal of the day.  Preferably, I should wait for one to two hours before eating or drinking anything after taking Alendronate Sodium.  I must take it on an empty stomach with 6-8 ounces of plain water for complete absorption.

My only hope is to slow deterioration of my bones by taking the medicine and following up next year with another bone density scan.  I have already lost three inches in height.  When I was a young woman, I was 5 feet, 6 inches tall and now, I am 5 feet, 3 inches short with my shoes on.  Plus, I have gained weight and I am afraid to go on another diet for fear of bone loss.  I feel this is a "Catch 22" kind of scenarios with high cholesterol, bone loss and high blood pressure.


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