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Carbohydrates--Good or Bad

     Carbohydrates, also known as carbs, are a healthy source of food energy.  In case you don't know much about carbs, there are two kinds: Simple and complex carbohydrates.  Simple carbs consists of sugar and/or sugar based syrups found in many processed foods at supermarkets these days.  Complex carbohydrates are plant based foods.

     Carbohydrate foods includes grain products, such as breads, cereals, and pasta; also, starchy vegetables, such as potatoes and corn.

     The Mayo Clinic Diet book emphasize choosing whole grain foods in limited amounts.  On my diet plan, for example, I should only eat four servings of carbs per day.  One serving could be 1/2 cup of rice or one slice of bread, etc.  At times, I find this difficult during meal planning because I am used to eating plenty of carbs.  

     However, eating carbs at breakfast works out better for me because I do most of my physical work during morning hours when I need high energy.

     My diet plan differs from other people using the Mayo Clinic Diet depending on how much excess weight to shed.

     The most important factor of the Mayo Clinic Diet--it is heathy, nutrious and it works for me.  Information about this diet can be found on the Internet at

     --bon appetit


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