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Trimming Our Jungle

     This morning, my son, Jim helped me trim bushes, and weed-out the little circles of ground around a pecan tree and citruses, etc.  At this time of year, everything grows like crazy in South East Texas.  This region is considered simi-tropical and could become jungle if not attended often.  Before Jim trimmed (bushed) the tree at our mailbox, it was completely covered over with leaves.  We didn't plant it; however, it grew in a planter where our mailbox sets.  Now, the post-person will be able to read our house number on our mailbox.

    Tomorrow, I'm planning to plant two Poblano peppers I have gotten free at our local hardware store.  Sometimes, they offer free starter plants or seeds to their customers.  I also wish to plant several dill seedlings, after I weed-out my little 6×6 feet herb and flower garden.


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