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TIP of The Day, December 8, 2022

      When decluttering a room or area, take one thing at a time and decide whether you want to keep it, sell it, give it away or toss it.  If you cannot part with an object, visualize where to store it or where to display it.  If it has no value to you, decide how you could get rid of it.  If something you can live without has monetary value, think about how to sale the possession.  If it has little value, yet is still useable, plan to give it to a charitable organization, a family member or friend.  Be realistic, if it is worn out, broken, or shabby, mend it or toss it in a recycle ben or garbage can.  

     When you make a decision one way or another, make an effort to put it where it should be or pack it in a box, bag, or toss it immediately.  Things you aim to give away, do it as soon as possible.

     Less stuff, is less stress.  I practice decluttering on a regular basis and when it's gone, I rarely miss things.


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