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Social Security at Risk

     When I was younger; although, I didn't look forward to retirement, I thought about the possibility of living a longer life.   As years passed, I began to prepare for retirement.

     Although, not rich, I'm able to live comfortably on a small, retirement fixed income.  My fear of the future is loss of income to maintain my living standard.  How could retirees run out of funds or income?

     There are an assortment of circumstances which could take place:

1- Extreme inflation--rapid rises in the cost of living.  

2- Financial collapse--Stock Market crash. 

3- Another Great Depression--run on the banking system to withdraw savings or possibly, Governmental imminent domain.  

4- Lack of Federal funds to pay senior citizens their earned, Social Security allotments.  

5-  Corporate failings, thus depletions of pension funds, i.e., business shutdowns.  

6- World War III--nuclear bombings which cause utter destruction of major cities and/or highly populated regions.  

7- Rampage riots, chaos, civil war outbreaks around the country causing destruction of corporate and private properties.  Did I miss any other possible disruptive affects on Social Security and/or pension payments?

     Please leave your comments concerning this dire issue--your inputs are welcome!

"In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved."    - Franklin D. Roosevelt


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