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My YouTube Channel

     Earlier today, I created another Kroger Grocery Haul video on my YouTube Channel.  I've been trying my best to connect my Channel "Survival After Seventy-Five" to this Blog Site.  Because I'm computer challenged, I didn't have any success yet.  I subscribed to another blogger with know-how and I hope to learn how to connect my videos from YouTube.  My mind is mush at this point of the day so it might take some time to get connected.      What I'm trying to tell you: Go over to YouTube and take a peek at my Channel, "Survival After Seventy-Five" and watch my latest Kroger Grocery Haul for May 12, 2022.  Perhaps, you will be glad you did it!      Compared to 50 years ago, I  couldn't buy much for the same amount of money.  Most of you wouldn't know how much inflation has been climbing over our lives and times.

Where Did My Day Go?

     Today, I stuck to my plan to finish cleaning my kitchen, and it took me about one and a half hours.  I spent most of my afternoon, meal planning, choosing electronic coupons at the Kroger Website to add onto my Kroger Plus Card and then, I wrote a tentative grocery list.  Maybe, I should take a calculator with me tomorrow to keep a tally of everything I put into the cart.  I would like to keep this week's groceries and cleaning supplies under $50; except, I have a feeling the cost will go over, if I purchase everything on my list.  I better take my Kroger, Master Card with me just in case.  I'm not ready for all these higher prices yet.  All this buy now and pay later is eating away at my budget.

Zone 2: Kitchen Duty

    This week, I'm working in Zone 2: Kitchen, a procedure in the Flylady Method of housekeeping.  It's not really exciting; but, it is necessary to get into the real nitty-gritty at least once a month in that area of my household.      First, I dusted a Venisan blind above the sink and washed the inside of the window the best I could while standing on a step ladder.  Sometimes it's best to put safety before perfection.      Then, I began taking out stove trays to soak in a sink full of soapy water for 15-minutes and then, I took an, on the hour, rest period.  After a short rest, I got up again and scrubbed all the stove trays.  One of my stove trays had a bit of tough residue which wouldn't come clean.  I tried soaking it with vinegar and baking soda while I cleaned rings of gunk off the stove around the tray openings with baking soda.  After thoroughly cleaning my stove top, I tried to scrub off stubborn residue from that one stove tray.  It wouldn't come complete

Social Security at Risk

     When I was younger; although, I didn't look forward to retirement, I thought about the possibility of living a longer life.   As years passed, I began to prepare for retirement.      Although, not rich, I'm able to live comfortably on a small, retirement fixed income.  My fear of the future is loss of income to maintain my living standard.  How could retirees run out of funds or income?      There are an assortment of circumstances which could take place: 1- Extreme inflation--rapid rises in the cost of living.   2- Financial collapse--Stock Market crash.  3- Another Great Depression--run on the banking system to withdraw savings or possibly, Governmental imminent domain.   4- Lack of Federal funds to pay senior citizens their earned, Social Security allotments.   5-  Corporate failings, thus depletions of pension funds, i.e., business shutdowns.   6- World War III--nuclear bombings which cause utter destruction of major cities and/or highly populated regions.   7- Rampage

Home Improvement

     By 10:00 A.M., I was up, dressed to shoes, ate breakfast, took meds, did my chores, and waited for my son, Jim to take me to Home Depot and Burlington.  It seems we need another pint of touch-up paint and silicone caulking for the main bathroom, Jim painted yesterday.  He also wants a new shower curtain to redecorate!  I put a stop to new shower rod and rings because the old ones are galvanized steel and we can't do better than those things for durability.  I told Jim, we could clean and polish the shower rod and there are nothing wrong with the rings.  If it doesn't need fixing, let it alone.      "Totally do, I have to skedaddle."

Mayo Diet Food Prep

     After a light breakfast, I pared vegetables for my lunch and dinner salads.  First of all, I chopped ends off celery and carrots, soaked this in the sink with water and 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar.  Then, peeled carrots, cut it into sticks, cut celery into 2 or 3 inches of sticks and put it all into a plastic container with a lid.  After taking off outer leaves from a head of Iceburg lettuce, I tore fresh leaves into bit sized pieces into a bowl.  Outside, I gathered a couple of stems of flowering Dandelions​ from my garden along with two other varieties of lettuce.  I brought this in and put it into the same water and vinegar rinse.  After adding the leaves into my salad, I chopped up a tomato, peeled and sliced a cucumber to add.  After tossing everything together, I served myself a heaping bowl of fresh made salad with two table spoons of Wishbone Wine Vinaigrette and a handful of celery and carrot sticks.  I topped my salad with one sliced, hard boiled egg.  That was my lunch

Grab It While It Lasts

Good afternoon, This morning, I went grocery shopping at Kroger Supermarket, and got away with $57.29 worth of food, and saved $13.70.  I found an Electronic Coupon offer, on the Kroger Website, to save 10% off Kroger brand food.  I can't pass up a bargain; plus, it gave me a chance to stock up on sugar, flour, fat-free powdered milk, powdered favored non-dairy creamer, liquid flavored creamer, and just about everything else I bought at Kroger today.  Just so you know.