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Follow-Up on Goals

     Early this morning, my son, Jim and I were out back planting shrubs bought yesterday at a Walmart with my gift card.  We carefully tried not to disturb surrounding wild flower seedlings.  Two of our Oleanders which we planted earlier this spring, were looking withered and losing leaves.  Because I had a chance to replace it, while at Walmart yesterday, I found a potted Oleander with two in one.  We separated the plants from the pot, split it apart, pulled out dead stems from the ground, and transplanted. Now, we have a row of little Oleanders growing along a side fence.  We also planted a Carnation shrub outside of the dining area window.  I found it on sale at Walmart for $5, and thought to give it a go.  During August, I hope to see it blooming.

     I'm a minimalist at gardening mainly due to lack of funds for plants; also, hard freezes during winter, freeze plants too.  Surviving plants are often near gone by spring and need trimming.  I have had some good luck with many shrubs and trees which have survived for years.

     I began gardening during my senior years before retirement, as a hobby which later became my goal to create a beautiful garden.  A co-worker and friend, Rosemary gave me a pecan seedling in a small container.  I kept it in the dining area of our kitchen near a window for lone time before planting it.  And now, it's a tall tree where birds come to rest on its branches and squirrels raid my pecan crops.

     I also garden for health reasons:  When I go outside, fresh air fills my lungs and refreshes my mind, body and spirit.  Plus, I'm getting exercise when I work in my garden, and it actually counts as aerobic activity because it is being done outside.  Gardening has become one of my life goals.

     I'm feeling a little tied now, I need to shower and change out of my old, work cloths into better looking old cloths.

     I have not forgotten about my other goal plan; however, priorities often comes first.  I'm still mulling over, in my mind, which laptop to choose.  Later on today, I will go online to research other stores and price compare before attempting to buy myself a new laptop.



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