I'm planning to purchase a laptop computer; except, I have a limited budget and I want find a good one under, say $500. I've been thinking about getting a Hewlett Packard; although, my mind is open to other manufacturers mainly made in the USA. If I continue with my endeavors at Blogspot and my YouTube Channel, it is necessary for me to upgrade from my cellphone, at at least to a laptop.
At some point in time, I need to research the capabilities and details of laptops made by several different manufactures. Shopping for big ticket items isn't something I often find myself doing and I need to think about it before I jump into debt.
I went to Best Buy in January and looked at their modest priced laptops, and then, an eager salesman tried to sale me one of the top-of-the-line computers. When I told him, it had to be compatible with 'something' in order to get connection with Google. (Wish I could remember the something's name.)
I'm hooked up with Consumer Cellular which does business with AARP so that I get special, senior citizen discounts. It will only cost me an extra $ 20 more each month to add another internet connection.
The eager salesman said the laptop didn't have that 'something,' but he knew of a device which would work. We walked over to the computer devices section. He showed me a device and then he started walking back over to the laptop section of the store. That is when, I started walking in the other direction towards the exit and told him, I have think about it.
Looking at all those complex laptops made me remember infact, I'm computer challenged and I felt confused. When I was in high school, they didn't teach us about computers because there were no computers back then.
I began doubting my abilities with computers and began talking myself out of buying a laptop or continuing with my YouTube channel. Self doubt has always been one of my obstacles in life. I seem to inwardly talk myself out of things when faced with problems or when worry begins to plague me.
On the other hand, the Internet is a new world opening up to a never ending supply of knowledge. I actually feel, if I don't get a laptop with Internet connection, I would regret it. Have you ever felt that way?
My first step is to call Compter Cellular to refresh my memory of the 'something' needed to connect with them and to ask whether the price has gone up yet. The next steps are to research and price compare laptops and find one compatible to meet Consumer Cellular, American requirements.
I'm not giving up my hobbies and goals. I'm struggling to stay in the game!
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