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Step One--Done Deal

     Yesterday, I called Consumer Cellular and talked with Kimberly.  I told her I want to get a laptop and asked whether there is anything needed to connect the laptop with Consumer Cellular.  She confirmed that I'm already a cellphone​ customer there.

I told her, I called in January and talked with a young man whose man I cannot recall now.  He told me to look for a laptop computer with a portal to 'teleport' with Consumer Cellular, in other words.  That was it--portal was the something, in yesterday's blog, I could not remember then.

Kim told me, laptops do not have SIM card portals.  She said, to use "tethering" to connect my laptop to my current cellphone, Consumer Cellular service.  Plus, when I actually have a laptop, if I have any problems with connection, I can call Consumer Cellular again, and someone there will help me go through the process, step by step over the phone.

Oh, how do I use "tethering?"

Kim said, turn on "mobile hot spot" on my cellphone; and then, on my laptop, click on the wireless network, and my cellphone will show up, and click on it.  Then, when I'm finished using the Internet, turn off "hot spot."  If that doesn't​ work, I could get Internet with Verizon or another provider for my laptop.  I thanked her for her help and ended my call.

The best news is that I won't have  any extra fees, every month, for my laptop connection because I already have unlimited minutes with 35 giga bites.  After I use up 35 giga bites, it slows down.

With a laptop, I will be able to upload pictures and videos from my camera offline without being on the Internet; therefore, saving my giga bites.  And then, I could upload directly to Google from a laptop and that will enable me to save my pictures on a laptop.

This is all about collecting tools which is a difficult part of goal planning.  Planning and research are advised because choosing the best affordable and reliable tools are necessary to stay in the game.  When competing with professionals, it's​ wise to have the equipment to play the game.


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