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Lude Tuesday

 Good Morning!

This morning while I was folding towels, my nose started bleeding.  I mean it was really dripping blood, and I had to sit down, with my head back, stick a tissue up my nose and wait for bleeding to stop.  The same thing happened to me last Thursday while I was getting ready to go grocery shopping.  

I think my nose bleed has something to do with a sinus infection.  This past winter, I was sick with a virus which developed into a sinus infection.  My little grand-daughter, Evelyn was sick with a runny nose off and on most of the time.  I think we were passing a virus back and forth between us.  She goes to daycare where she probably became sick.

I took my blood pressure and it was normal; also, my nose is not as stuffed up as it has been.  Think I will wait to see if it starts bleeding again.  Hope it's nothing serious such as Ebola.  

My break time is over so I had better get back to my vacuuming.  After lunch, I'm going over to my son, Paul's house before Olivia and Brianna come home from school.  


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