First thing this morning, I stripped my bed and threw my sheets into a repaired washing machine. I work to stay on top of things which needs to get done around my home.
I keep an inbox on my dresser where all important mail gets stacked until I can get around to it. Since Jim moved back home again, I had to vacate my home office which was in is his bedroom.
I have been sorting through a stack of paperwork to think about what needs to be done with each piece of paper. For example, I received an official ballot from the Clear Creek Independent School District for Trustee Election. That is something I need to take action on soon. That's where my children went to school, and we have been paying taxes to Clear Creek Independent School District for many years.
There are three candidates and I do not know anything about them. Therefore, this afternoon or by Sunday at the latest, I will Google their names to see if I could find their profiles. It is important not to randomly guess vote. I want to vote for the most qualified candidate for Trustee of Clear Creek Independent School District.
Among my paper work, there were things to file, coupon offers to save, and some junk mail to trash. After that, I ran around the house, emptying trash cans and taking out garbage because tomorrow the garbage truck will pickup again. I need to put out trash tonight so I don't forget because they drive by early in the morning.
After I catch my breath again, I will declutter and straighten up my closet and drawers a little bit. I heard the buzzer on my dryer, I need to go make up my bed now.
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