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TGI Friday

     This morning, I was out back for nearly two hours in my garden pulling weeds, trimming bushes and tying back plants.  A blooming Daisy plant was hanging over a walkway and needed to be tied to a pole.  A heavy rainfall caused it to droop over.  My labor, yet not in vain, is only for a season.

Gardening is part of my health, and weight loss program; although, I need take it easy and not over work.  I have many ideas, much to do with limited time and little money to spare for my garden.  Every year, during hard freezes, some of my plants withers​ away.  

I'm learning to plant quick growing flowers from seeds for less money since most won't last past fall.  There are hardy Texas shrubs which might last through hot summer days and winter freezes.  

There is a beautiful garden with plants native to Texas at Stevenson Park where I go to walk.  I should take note of the names of those plants before I shop for any more.

I checked today's weather and it is supposed to get up to 82° this afternoon, perfect weather for a flower garden.  Last month, I scattered wild, flower seeds over prepared ground and some seedlings are coming up.  By May, flowers will be blooming in my garden.


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