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Goal Postponement

    Good morning!      Yesterday, after researching laptop computers, I decided to postpone investing in a laptop this week. It's the end of the month when I calculate my expenditures and review my budget.  Therefore, I need to coordinate my financial situation to see how I might be able to fit a new laptop into a tight budget.  In other words, how much could I afford to pay and how long will it take to pay off a loan?      I want a laptop, but could I safely afford it and do I actually need one?  What I really want is a reliable, cost effective laptop made in America.  I don't want to pay hundreds of dollars for a high tech machine which will breakdown within one year.      Compter manufactures whose startups began in the USA, either sold it to a foreign company or have been out sourcing their work to other countries.      Seriously, I need to approach my spending with caution and consider my most...

Follow-Up on Goals

     Early this morning, my son, Jim and I were out back planting shrubs bought yesterday at a Walmart with my gift card.  We carefully tried not to disturb surrounding wild flower seedlings.  Two of our Oleanders which we planted earlier this spring, were looking withered and losing leaves.  Because I had a chance to replace it, while at Walmart yesterday, I found a potted Oleander with two in one.  We separated the plants from the pot, split it apart, pulled out dead stems from the ground, and transplanted. Now, we have a row of little Oleanders growing along a side fence.  We also planted a Carnation shrub outside of the dining area window.  I found it on sale at Walmart for $5, and thought to give it a go.  During August, I hope to see it blooming.      I'm a minimalist at gardening mainly due to lack of funds for plants; also, hard freezes during winter, freeze plants too.  Surviving plants are often near gone by...

Steps Outside of The Box

Woke up early this morning, sometime before 5 A.M., and while I was slowly regaining consciousness, I remembered my plan for today.  It was closer to 6 A.M., when I decided to get up out of bed and get myself ready to go to Walmart.  Shortly after 8 A. M., I was out the door, driving down the road because today is my 'errand day'.  First of all, I went to the Post Office to drop off mail, and then, I headed onto Walmart in Pearland. I had a $50 gift card with Walmart written all over it.  I entered at the garden center where I planned to spend part of my $50 on shrubs and/or perennials.  Spring time in South East Texas is a breath taking sight, which always brings me outside with spade in hand. Moving along inside, I began to realize changes have been made at Pearland Walmart, it's​ different now.  I felt as though, I was walking into a maze.  It took me a while to find the stationary section where I looked for a meal planner.  I couldn't find one...

Step One--Done Deal

     Yesterday, I called Consumer Cellular and talked with Kimberly.  I told her I want to get a laptop and asked whether there is anything needed to connect the laptop with Consumer Cellular.  She confirmed that I'm already a cellphone​ customer there. I told her, I called in January and talked with a young man whose man I cannot recall now.  He told me to look for a laptop computer with a portal to 'teleport' with Consumer Cellular, in other words.  That was it--portal was the something, in yesterday's blog, I could not remember then. Kim told me, laptops do not have SIM card portals.  She said, to use "tethering" to connect my laptop to my current cellphone, Consumer Cellular service.  Plus, when I actually have a laptop, if I have any problems with connection, I can call Consumer Cellular again, and someone there will help me go through the process, step by step over the phone. Oh, how do I use "tethering?" Kim said, turn on "mobile hot s...

Goal Planning

      I'm planning to purchase a laptop computer; except, I have a limited budget and I want find a good one under, say $500.  I've been thinking about getting a Hewlett Packard; although, my mind is open to other manufacturers mainly made in the USA.  If I continue with my endeavors at Blogspot and my YouTube Channel, it is necessary​ for me to upgrade from my cellphone, at at least to a laptop. At some point in time, I need to research the capabilities and details of laptops made by several different manufactures.  Shopping for big ticket items isn't something I often find myself doing and I need to think about it before I jump into debt. I went to Best Buy in January and looked at their modest priced laptops, and then, an eager salesman tried to sale me one of the top-of-the-line computers.  When I told him, it had to be compatible with 'something' in order to get connection with Google. (Wish I could remember the something's name.)   I'm ...

Blessed Sunday

      First day of the week, Sunday is a day to renew our spirits and set goals for the new week ahead.  It is also the day to worship and give thanks for all we have and/or achieved.   Although, the days ahead may seem hopeless or doomed, remember we have power to control our future.  You may ask, how? Each one of us has special gifts and talents to build on, to improve and work with each day.  Whether, in school, at a job or in our own businesses, we have tools, resources and the power to change or improve upon our destiny.  Some may think it is wishful thinking--it is so far beyond our imaginations and comprehension.  Yet, all things are possible to those who believe and take action to use whatever is available to achieve their goals. I could think of at least one hundred examples, but I think you already understand what I'm trying  to explain. As an exercise, this week, take a moment to think about your goals, perhaps, write you...

Sacred Saturday

     It is a quite, Saturday morning here and I slept in for a little while.  I'm up now, bathed, dressed to shoes and ready for my day.  Sticking to the Mayo Clinic Diet Plan, I ate 1/3 cup of homemade granola with 1/2 cup fat-free milk and 4 ounces of orange juice.  And that is equivalent to one carbohydrate, one protein and one fruit serving.  I also drank coffee with sugar free, powdered creamer, French Vanilla flavored Coffee Mate which has only 15 calories so I'm not counting it. My diet plan is basically whatever I want to eat within limited amounts of food, up to 1200 calories.  Vegetables are unlimited, at least four servings a day and at least three servings of fruit.  However, potatoes and corn are categorized as carbohydrates.  To meet my limit of 1200 calories a day, I'm allowed only four carb servings, three protein servings of 2 ounces each, only three fats and occasionally sweets, but sugar is off my food list for the tim...