Good morning! Yesterday, after researching laptop computers, I decided to postpone investing in a laptop this week. It's the end of the month when I calculate my expenditures and review my budget. Therefore, I need to coordinate my financial situation to see how I might be able to fit a new laptop into a tight budget. In other words, how much could I afford to pay and how long will it take to pay off a loan? I want a laptop, but could I safely afford it and do I actually need one? What I really want is a reliable, cost effective laptop made in America. I don't want to pay hundreds of dollars for a high tech machine which will breakdown within one year. Compter manufactures whose startups began in the USA, either sold it to a foreign company or have been out sourcing their work to other countries. Seriously, I need to approach my spending with caution and consider my most...
As a senior citizen with challenges and struggles, my mission at Blogspot is to share my story as candid and authentic as time and memory allows. As I strive to make my dreams and ambitions become reality, I hope to be an inspiration to others approaching their senior years or those whom are already over the hill and sliding down the other side.